Eurocash’s another location in Poznań
Eurocash has got a new location – they are situated in the Office – Warehouse Centre at the Żmigrodzka Street in Poznań.
Eurocash Group is a leader of the Polish wholesale FMCG market, namely the market of fast-moving food products, household chemicals, liquor and tobacco products. As the Company’s activities develop very dynamically, it was necessary to find a new location for its call centre.
The Lessee will occupy the area of 500 m2. Ms Justyna Wasiak, the Negotiator of the Poznań Office of NAI Estates Fellows, at 1A Gajowa Street, was responsible for the accomplishment of this transaction on behalf of the building’s Owner.
The Office – Warehouse Centre is a building complex composed of real estates constructed both in the 70s, as well as 2000 and 2006. The entire centre covers the area of app. 1.8 ha, and the overall office space is 5000 m2. All buildings of the Centre have undergone thermal efficiency improvement, the interiors are provided with air-conditioning and the elevator. On top of that, in the complex area there is a large outdoor car park with 100 parking places.
Patrycja Masiarek, Head of NAI Estate Fellows Office in Poznań, says: „This object was selected for the reason of attractive financial conditions, as well as an excellent location in the Grunwald district. There is a tramline connection with the city centre, the A2 and S11 transport junctions and the Ławica airport are nearby. Since the offer was so attractive, the Lessee has increased the proposed original space by the extra 200 m2.”